A NeurBot is a machine that uses a NeurBot Graph Controller for its digital brain. There are two basic models: the deterministic and the non-deterministic. The determinisitic model provides a well defined behavior and tightly controls what the NeurBot can, and cannot do. The non-deterministic model enables the NeurBot to behave differently.
The NeurBot graph controller organizes everything the NeurBot knows as a graph. The nodes in the graph represent things the NeurBot can do as actions, and things that the actions can act upon. In performing the action, the NeurBot graph controller can change the graph of what the NeurBot knows.
The graph is easy for students to understand by explaining how a student knows their name (data) and the student knows how to speak their name (an action).
We teach the NeurBot some basic goals that we want it to achieve, and that by performing actions it can try to achieve the goals. We teach it that some goals are more important than others, even for a brief moment in time. For example, we may want the NeurBot to be very interactive with a person, but otherwise spend its time reading digital books. Sometimes, goals can conflict, such as being interactive with a person or answering a call. We teach it to muse about the things that it knows and the things that it does not know, in order to better organize its thoughts and to identify areas that it should focus on learning or reasoning about.
Each NeurBot evolves at its own pace. In some environments, it will learn faster than in others. A NeurBot with really good sensors can learn quite a bit about its environment, and adapt to its environment. NeurBots can also be designed to meet each other, and to share information. Essentially, like a student, a NeurBot can learn from a teacher.
For this project, we begin at the beginning, meaning that the NeurBot does not know much. It is just coming into the world and needs to evolve in order to finds its goals and purpose. By keeping it simple, the students can explore amazing thoughts and implication of the work of NeurBots!